ETTAclamp Won the 2022 Value and Excellence Award. See The Video Here.

What is the ETTAclamp?
Dupal Medical introduces the ETTAclamp, an award-winning Endotracheal Tube (ETT) clamp device made from medical-grade POM (Polyoxymethylene) with a Silver additive. This innovative device ensures total and safe occlusion of the ETT, particularly beneficial for patients at heightened risk of airborne infections.

How it Functions
The device is made of two distinct parts, the clamp itself and the holder or ring. The holder will add more or less pressure depending on what position is set to secure the clamp, these variations being the different ETT sizes commonly used. The ETT passes through the ETTAclamp itself and the ring is adjusted according to the ETT size, keeping a secure hold to the clamp itself. For the intubation process, the ETTAclamp has a built in 5 mm grove to accommodate the guide within the ETT.

Two Different Sizes
There are two ETTAclamp sizes Available. One for Endotracheal Tubes from sizes 6 to 8,5, and a smaller pediatric ETTAcalmp version for Endotracheal Tubes from 3.5 to 6.
Easy, Effective, and Simple to Use
This is a lightweight device, calibrated to not interfere with the ETT’s gravity axis with minimal interference in the intubation process while achieving total and safe occlusion of the ETT with no interference with the field of vision.
COVID-19 Patients and Medical Staff
By using the ETTAclamp Clamping the ETT, the air trapped inside won’t spread and contaminate the surroundings and objects, making this device a more suitable procedure for COVID-19 patients and healthcare professionals.
Strong Grip
With a strong grip, its design prevents any unwanted de-clamping, a high-risk occurrence for the patient and medical staff.
Perfect Size for ETT
Suitable for a minimum of 4 different sizes of ETT and there is also a smaller version suitable for smaller patients.
Anti Microbial Medical Grade Device
Made of medical grade POM and anti microbial additive for extra protection on handling and disposal.
Green is Better
The ETTAclamp is fully recyclable and can be disposed to most plastic recycling bins available.

The creator
“It is my belief, according to my opinion and professional experience, that this methodology of clamping the ETT will be an approach that will bring some changes to the paradigm of the management of the airway to the post-pandemic period, whether internally within the hospital environment (infected patients at ICU, Operating Theatres, Emergency Rooms, etc) or externally, where the unknown is always a factor to consider. In the not too distant future, it will certainly become a mandatory or standard device in a conscientious approach to airways management."
Mario Gomes (Senior ICU Nurse)
The ETTA device is an enormous asset in the management of the suspected patient of COVID pathology in terms of approach in the prehospital environment. The possibility of sealing makes the environment safer for the team, also allowing the transport of the critical patient to the hospital unit more secure in terms of airway management in this type of patient.
Pedro Caldeira
Pedagogical and Emergency Services Director
I used the EndoTracheal Tube Aid Clamp (ETTAclamp) to approach a patient with cardiopulmonary arrest in an extra-hospital environment. It is used with the objective of increasing the team's protection against respiratory infections during the approach of the airway, even when approaching the difficult airway, as it allows the use of “conductors” of the orotracheal tube (TOT), guarantees a total and safe clamping of the TOT. During the TOT placement procedure itself, it does not interfere with the observation of the anatomical references of the oral cavity, nor with the observation of the anatomical references of the oral cavity during the progression of the TOT.
José Luís Pires dos Santos
Nurse at Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
In emergency and intensive care, as in other areas of care, it is imperative to take care of the safety of professionals. It is not by chance that in basic and advanced life support algorithms the assessment of security conditions is the first step. The strengthening of the safety conditions of the entire team during endotracheal intubation is the use of ETTA Clamp, in any environment (extra-hospital, emergency room, intensive care or operating block).
Marco Job Batista
Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical Nursing

The size associated with the weight and ease of use makes it an essential tool for approaching the airway in any situation. I believe that the ETTAclamp should be part of any emergency, airway or anesthesia cart. The same can be used from the pre-hospital to the hospital. Precious in VMER, emergency rooms, blocks and ICU. Technical advantages are; ease of use, lightness, does not interfere with classic intubation technique and allows the use of classic conductors (up to 5 mm). Clinical advantages are; prevents alveolar derecruitment, decreases the risk of contamination by aerosolization, prevents staff from being polluted in situations of alveolar flooding such as EAP, bronchoalveolar hemorrhage and severe thoracic trauma. I consider this device should always be present when approaching the airway, regardless of the location or clinical situation.
José Alexandre Abrantes
Director Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa
During the COVID-19 Pandemic period, the “ETTAclamp” device had a preponderant action in reducing the spread of the infectious agent and in promoting the protection of health professionals, during the orotracheal intubation procedure, in the person in respiratory failure, which was always the moment of greatest risk of contagion and tension, for all health professionals. Therefore, as a rehabilitation nurse, working in an ICU, I strongly advise all doctors and nurses to use the "ETTAclamp", for the numerous benefits that this device offers, in maximizing and optimizing the safety of health professionals, who are the main agents in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Simões
Mestrado em Enfermagem/ Enf. Perito de UCI/ Enf. Especialista de Enfermagem de Reabilitação
Award Winning Device
Our CTO, Mário Gomes, won the 2022 Value and Excellence Award in the entrepreneurship and innovation category, given by the Portuguese Council of Nurses (Ordem dos Enfermeiros) for the creation and development of the ETTAclamp.
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